Certificates UROVIVO 2023
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ABARZúA, Fernando (assistant)
ACUNA, Esteban (assistant)
AGUILAR, Jorge Alejandro (organizing committee)
AHSAN, Rai (assistant)
ALBRINI, Luis Mariano (assistant)
ALEJANDRO ARRIETA, Antonio (assistant)
ALHARBI, Mohannad (assistant)
ALVAREZ, Ignacio (moderator)
ALVAREZ, Juan Manuel (moderator)
ALVAREZ, Patricio Daniel (assistant)
ALVAREZ, Patricio (assistant)
ANDRADE, Fernando (assistant)
ANGELONI, Daniel (assistant)
ANGELONI, Guido (assistant)
ANGELONI, Daniel (assistant)
ANGERRI, Oriol (moderator)
ANGERRI, Oriol (assistant)
ANTONINI, Gabriele (assistant)
ANTONINI, Gabriele (surgeon)
ARAMAYO, Gustavo (assistant)
ARISMENDI VIDELA, Esteban (assistant)
ASTRID, Reinke (assistant)
AUDITORIO, Auditorio (assistant)
AUNE, Elisabeth (assistant)
AURUCCIO, Juan Pablo (assistant)
AURUCCIO, Juan Pablo (assistant)
BALDESSARI, Carlos Martin (assistant)
BáLSAMO, Carlos (assistant)
BAPTISTUSSI, Marcelo (moderator)
BAPTISTUSSI, Marcelo (assistant)
BARRADAS, Efrain (assistant)
BARUSSO, Gabriel (moderator)
BARUSSO, Gabriel Hernan (assistant)
BASUALDO, Miguel Antonio (assistant)
BATISTTON, Santiago (assistant)
BECHER, Edgardo (surgeon)
BECHIS, Gustavo (assistant)
BERNARDO, Norberto Osvaldo (organizing committee)
BJAZEVIC, Jannifier (surgeon)
BJAZEVIC, Jannifier (assistant)
BURIONI, A (assistant)
BUTORI, Sofia (moderator)
CABAñAS, Marcelo (assistant)
CABRERA, Johan (assistant)
CAGE, Logan (assistant)
CAILLABET, Andres (assistant)
CAJIGAS, Jaime (surgeon)
CAMILA, Scorticati (assistant)
CANTALUPPI, Gastón Horacio (assistant)
CANTALUPPI, Gaston (assistant)
CAPIEL, Leandro (moderator)
CAPRIOTTI, Eliana (moderator)
CARDENAS ORTIZ, Ana Maria (assistant)
CARDO, Sol (assistant)
CARRO, Sebastian (assistant)
CASTILLO, Octavio (surgeon)
CASTILLO, Constantino (assistant)
CASTRO, Edison (assistant)
CASTRO CUEVA, Fiorella (assistant)
CAYO ESTIGARRIBIA, Benitez (assistant)
CEPEDA, Marcos (moderator)
CHI, Tom (surgeon)
CHI, Tom (assistant)
CLEMOND, Mauricio (assistant)
CM, Patricio (assistant)
COELHO, Rodolfo Aquiles (assistant)
COHEN, Mariano (assistant)
CONTRERAS, Pablo (moderator)
CORRALES, Mariela (moderator)
CORRALES, Mariela (assistant)
CRUZ HERNANDEZ, Silvio Alirio (assistant)
CZEKAJ, Adrian (assistant)
DAHSE, Nicolas Alejandro (assistant)
DE MICEU, Sergio (assistant)
DEL SORDO, Martin (assistant)
DENSTEDT, John (moderator)
DENSTEDT, John (assistant)
DESSENT, Cecile (assistant)
DIAZ-ZORITA, Victoria (assistant)
DIMITRIOS, Staios (assistant)
DMITRIY, Nikolavsky (moderator)
DMITRIY, Nikolavsky (assistant)
DÂADAM, Victor (assistant)
EITO, MarÃa Florencia (assistant)
EMILLIANI, Esteban (assistant)
EMILLIANI, Esteban (moderator)
EPHERRA, Juan Francisco (assistant)
FAGETTI, Franco (assistant)
FAILLACE, Geronimo (assistant)
FARES, Bernardo (assistant)
FERNáNDEZ, Mariano (assistant)
FERNANDEZ, Daniela (assistant)
FERNANDEZ ALBERTI, JoaquÃn (assistant)
FERNANDEZ LONG, Juan (assistant)
FIGUEIREDO, Felipe (moderator)
FIGUEIREDO, Felipe (assistant)
FINGOLO, Esteban (assistant)
FLORES, Lucas Alberto (assistant)
FORERO, Luisa (moderator)
FOSSATI, Federico (assistant)
FRAGA, Clovis (moderator)
FRAGA, Clovis (assistant)
FRANSIS, Karen (surgeon)
FRANSIS, Karen (assistant)
GALARZA, Guillermo (assistant)
GALLEGOS, Hector (assistant)
GALLEGOS MORáN, Héctor (assistant)
GALLO, Gonzalo (assistant)
GARCIA, Diego (assistant)
GARCIA, Diego (assistant)
GARCIA, Manuel (assistant)
GARCÃA, Iván (assistant)
GARCIA, Alfredo Isaac (assistant)
GARCIA VILLALBA, Javier (assistant)
GARRIDO, Gustavo (assistant)
GAVILANEZ, Pedro (assistant)
GAYTAN MURGUIA, Michelle (assistant)
GILLING, Peter (moderator)
GILLING, Peter (assistant)
GIUSTI, Guido (moderator)
GLINA, Sidney (moderatora)
GLINA, Sidney (assistant)
GOMEZ, Francisco (assistant)
GOMEZ , Reynaldo (moderator)
GOMEZ SANCHA, Fernando (surgeon)
GONZALES, Darwin (assistant)
GONZáLES CABRERA, Napoleón (assistant)
GONZALES CABRERA, Napoleon (assistant)
GONZALEZ, Mariano (moderator)
GONZALEZ, Matias (moderator)
GONZALEZ, Mariano (assistant)
GONZALEZ, Darwin (assistant)
GOPAL, Narang (assistant)
GORLA, MartÃn (assistant)
GRINBERG, Esteban (assistant)
GRINSTEIN, Paula (assistant)
GRINSTEIN, Paula (assistant)
GUARNIZO, Edmundo (assistant)
GUTIERREZ, Paloma (assistant)
GUTIERREZ ACEVES, Jorge (assistant)
GUTIERREZ ACEVES, Jorge (moderator)
HERNANDEZ, Roberto Esteban (assistant)
HERNáNDEZ SáNCHEZ, AgustÃn (assistant)
HERRELL, Duke (assistant)
HERRELL, Duke (moderator)
HERRMANN, Thomas (surgeon)
HERRMANN, Thomas (assistant)
IMFELD, German (assistant)
ISSA, Ariel (moderator)
ITURRIAGA, Ignacio (assistant)
IVN SPAIS, Lauro Humberto (assistant)
JAVIER, Augusto (assistant)
JAVIER, Augusto (moderator)
JIRONDA ROJAS , Diego Alejandro (assistant)
JORDANA, Isabel (assistant)
JORGE, Cesar (assistant)
JUANEDA, Rodrigo (assistant)
KANNE, Martin (surgeon)
KAPLAN, Andres (assistant)
KEI YUEN, Steffi Kar (assistant)
KNOBLOCH, Carl Fredrik (assistant)
KOLL, Eduardo (assistant)
KOO, Kevin (moderator)
KOO, Kevin (assistant)
LASCANO, Juan (assistant)
LASER, Raykeen (assistant)
LATTANZIO, Cosimo Damiano (assistant)
LEAL, Diego (assistant)
LLANDEROSOS, Matias (assistant)
LOPEZ, Hugo (moderator)
LOPEZ, Miguel (assistant)
LOPEZ JARA, Juan Carlos (assistant)
LOPEZ SILVA, Maximiliano (assistant)
LOZADA, Juan (assistant)
LOZANO, VÃctor (assistant)
LUCCHINI, FlorecÃa (assistant)
MAGADAN, Manuel Alejandro (assistant)
MAGNI, Alberto (assistant)
MALAVAUD, Teoh (assistant)
MALDEN CIRIACO, Lizzi (assistant)
MANSO APARICIO, Coral (surgeon)
MANSO APARICIO, Coral (assistant)
MAQUEDA VOCOS, Martin (assistant)
MARCHANT, Fernando (surgeon)
MARCHANT, Fernando (assistant)
MARINI, Micaela Solange (assistant)
MARZOCCHI, Diego Martin (assistant)
MATTEI, Candela (assistant)
MATTEI, Candela (assistant)
MAZZOCCHI, Marina (assistant)
MAZZUCCHI, Eduardo (moderator)
MAZZUCCHI, Eduardo (assistant)
MEJÃA, Juan (assistant)
MENéNDEZ, Nicolas (moderator)
MERONIUC, Graciana (assistant)
MICARELLI, Pietro (assistant)
MING SU, Li (moderator)
MING SU, Li (assistant)
MIñO, Paola (assistant)
MOLINA, Wilson (moderator)
MONTANILE, Mariela (moderator)
MONTELLI YANZI, Guillermo (moderator)
MONTELLI YANZI, Guillermo (assistant)
MONTES, Laura (assistant)
MONTIEL, Raul (assistant)
MORALES DINA MARCA, Ignacio (assistant)
MOSQUERA, Gammaniel (assistant)
MOSTACERO, Leon Mario (assistant)
MOURO, Laura (assistant)
MOURO GIUDICE, Laura (moderator)
MURILLO, Jorge (assistant)
MURILLO, Jorge (assistant)
MURILLO PINTO, Julio César (assistant)
NEVES, Felipe (assistant)
NIKOLAVSKY, Dmitriy (assistant)
NOVAIS, Jose (assistant)
OCARIS MALLMA, Robinson Felix (assistant)
ODERDA, Marco (moderator)
OLIVERO, Nestor (assistant)
ORDOñEZ CAMPOS, Eduardo (assistant)
ORELLANA, Mariano (assistant)
OTERO, Ignacio Agustin (assistant)
OTERO CANCHILA, Jorge Luis (assistant)
OTERO CANCHILA, Jorge Luis (assistant)
OVANDO, Soledad (assistant)
PACHECO RIVADENEYRA, Freddy (moderator)
PALACIO, Soledad (assistant)
PALAFOX RODRÃGUEZ, Miguel Humberto (assistant)
PAPATSORIS, Athanasios (assistant)
PAPATSORIS, Athanasios (surgeon)
PATERLINI, Juan (assistant)
PEREIRA, Fernando (assistant)
PERES NICOLAS, Billordo (assistant)
PETON, Emiliano (assistant)
PINEDA, Cesar (assistant)
PIZZARELLO, Javier (assistant)
POLITI, Esteban (assistant)
PORTAL CAVERO, Kellie Anny (assistant)
PORTAL CAVERO, Kellie (assistant)
PRO, Pharma (assistant)
QUESQUEN, Ileanna (assistant)
QUIJADA, Edin (assistant)
RAMIREZ WOSNUK, German (assistant)
RAMIREZ WOZNUK, German (moderator)
RAMOS SANCHEZ, Marco Antonio (assistant)
RAMPOLDI, Jorge Nicolas (assistant)
RANE, Abhay (assistant)
RANE, Abhay (moderator)
REHMAN, Jamil (assistant)
REPETTI, Pablo (assistant)
REPETTI, Pablo (assistant)
RICO, Daniel (assistant)
RIVADENEIRA, Marcelo (assistant)
RODRIGUEZ, Sebastian (assistant)
RODRÃGUEZ, Alejandro (assistant)
RODRIGUEZ, Alejandro (assistant)
RODRÃGUEZ, Alejandro (moderator)
RODRIGUEZ, Nicanor (moderator)
RODRÃGUEZ FALCONI, Alfredo (assistant)
ROMERO, Maria Belen (assistant)
ROZANEC, Jose (moderator)
RUIZ, Daniel (assistant)
RUIZ ESTRADA, Juan Guillermo (assistant)
SALAS, Fernando (assistant)
SALINAS, Lucas (assistant)
SALIRROSAS PONCE, Victor (assistant)
SANCHEZ SALAS, Rafael (assistant)
SáNCHEZ SALAS, Kynthia (assistant)
SANGUINETTI, Horacio Vicente (organizing committee)
SANMIGUEL, Iván (assistant)
SANTOS LUIZ, Sergio (assistant)
SARICA, Kemal (surgeon)
SARICA, Kemal (assistant)
SCHAMUN, Cesar (assistant)
SCHMITZ, Udo (assistant)
SCHWARTZ, Bradley (assistant)
SCORTICATI, Carlos (surgeon)
SCORTICATI, Camila (assistant)
SEPULVEDA, Fabio (moderator)
SERRA, Ignacio (assistant)
SHIVELY, James (assistant)
SMITH, Arthur (assistant)
SMITH, Daron (assistant)
SMITH, Daron (moderator)
SMITH, Arthur (moderator)
SOLIS, Mario (assistant)
SOLÃS, Agustina (assistant)
SOLIZ, Wilmer (surgeon)
SORENSEN, Ronald (assistant)
SOURIAL, Michael (assistant)
SPOSITO, Maxi (assistant)
SPREU, Thomas (assistant)
STANELONI, Esteban (assistant)
STEIN, Overby (assistant)
STEPHENS, Leonard (assistant)
STREEPER, Necole (moderator )
STREEPER, Necole (assistant)
SU, Kris (assistant)
SUAREZ, Pedro (assistant)
SULCATA RAMOS, Jhony (assistant)
TAILLY, Thomas (surgeon)
TAILLY, Thomas (assistant)
TEOH, Jeremy (surgeon)
TEOH, Jeremy (assistant)
TEWARI, Ash (moderator)
TOLEDO, Luis Gustavo (assistant)
TORO, Jorge (assistant)
TORRES SUáREZ, Cristhian Nayid (assistant)
TRANG, Vo Anh Vinh (assistant)
TRENTIN NEVES, Felipe (assistant)
TROILO, Josefina (assistant)
TUMBURUS, Benjamin (assistant)
VALLADARES, Pablo (moderator)
VALLEJO MERA, Hugo (assistant)
VAREA, Sandro (moderator)
VARGAS, Cesar (assistant)
VARGAS, Andrea (assistant)
VELCOFF, Tomas (assistant)
VELEZ ALVAREZ, Karla Stephanie (assistant)
VENTURA CHILóN, Hugo (assistant)
VERA VELIZ, Alvaro (assistant)
VERA VELIZ, Alvaro (assistant)
VERGARA, Karina (assistant)
VETRANO, Franco (assistant)
VICENTINI, Fabio (moderator)
VICENTINI, Fabio (assistant)
VICENTINI, Fabio (assistant)
VILLAALTA LOPEZ, Alex (assistant)
VILLACORTA, Yolanda (assistant)
VILLAMIL, Wenceslao (moderator)
VIRASORO, Ramon (moderator)
VIRASORO, Ramon (assistant)
VIZUETO, Fredi (assistant)
VP, Matias (assistant)
WEIÃ, Ekaterina (assistant)
WOSNUK RAMIREZ, German (assistant)
YABER, Fernando (moderator)
YABER, Fernando (assistant)
YIRULA , Lucas (assistant)
ZAMPOLI, Hamilton (assistant)
ZAMPOLLI, Hamilton (moderator)
ZARATE, Cesar (assistant)
ZEBALLOS, Javier (moderator)
ZENG, Gouhua (moderator)
ZENG, Gouhua (assistant)
ZIALCITA, Hermingildo (assistant)